There are two branches of Western Sono’s Point of Care Ultrasound Interest Group:


A group of interdisciplinary clinicians and post-graduate trainees with an interest in point of care ultrasound.   Themed monthly meetings take place to  review controversial, difficult and outstanding cases as well as any other topics of interest.

2. Medical Student Club

The goal of the medical student led interest group is to introduce Western medical students to the use of ultrasonography at the point of care. Ultrasonography is a non-invasive and inexpensive tool playing an increasingly important role across many medical and surgical specialities. With the support of enthusiastic clinicians and post-graduate trainees, the group aims to provide students with hands-on experiences to demonstrate just how much you can learn about a patient’s health using sound waves. Events align with teachings in the preclinical years such that students will be able to see recently learned anatomy, physiology and pathology come to life.

Medical students can formally sign-up for the club at the UWOmeds website.