Emergency Medicine Courses : ‘Introduction to POCUS’ & ‘Introduction to Extended Applications’ Ring in the 2017 Academic Year
The Division of Emergency Medicine 2017-2018 academic year has kicked off with our annual educational showcase in POCUS. With 32 participants from across Canada, including undergraduates from several institutions, resident trainees in EM, Peds EM and Vascular Surgery, as well as local community physicians, the day was bound to be great. Concentrating on the fundamental applications, and this year’s addition of thoracic POCUS, attendees experienced a flipped classroom and a 2:1 participant:instructor ratio allowing maximal probe time for all.
This year also marked our inaugural ‘Introduction to Extended Applications in POCUS’ for local Faculty and incoming resident trainees. Featuring bedside scanning and image interpretation sessions, participants stepped into the realm of POCUS applications for DVT, gallbladder, renal, extended cardiac and thoracic assessments. All will follow up this educational day with a one-month rotation in the ED honing their skills with clinically based scans in these applications.
A huge thank you to our dedicated @emergencylondon instructors, our amazing POCUS Faculty for all of their content development and delivery, the organizing and leadership prowess of Dr. Heather Hames, the support staff at CSTAR, vendor support from Sonosite and Phillips, and of course all of our volunteer models. The team effort made this an awesome educational event for all.
We are already looking forward to next year!
Tags: course, emergency, emergency medicine
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- CATEGORIESCourses, ED Ultrasound Course, Events
- AUTHOREmergGuy
Canadian Resuscitative Ultrasound Course – Registration OPEN!
The 8th Annual Canadian Resuscitative Ultrasound Course is now OPEN for registration.
The 2 day course (with the option of a 3rd half-day) is being held on August 16th, 17th (and 18th) 2017 at the sophisticated CSTAR facility at University Hospital in London, Ontario. This is the biggest and most comprehensive course of its kind offered in Canada. It is ideal for any clinician involved in resuscitation, such as intensivists, emergency physicians, anesthesiologists or internists.
In the core 2-day course, we emphasize resuscitative ultrasound in the following domains:
-critical care echocardiography
-lung and pleural ultrasound
-abdominal free fluid
-ultrasound guided vascular access (central, peripheral and arterial lines)
For those who wish to stay for the 3rd day, a half-day ultrasound enriched simulation experience run by our local sim experts.
NEW this year – we have a new “retention” package that is looking to help those physicians working without much ultrasound mentorship to retain their skills after the course through regular video conference sessions for the year following our course. Be sure to check out all the different registration options on our course website.
Tags: critical care ultrasound, echocardiography, resus, ultrasound
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- CATEGORIESCourses, Critical Care Ultrasound Course, Uncategorized
- AUTHORarntfield
Introduction to ED Point of Care Ultrasound 2017
The Division of Emergency Medicine is once again pleased to host its annual “Introduction to ED Point of Care Ultrasound” course on July 6th, 2017.
This course will emphasize fundamental techniques in image acquisition and interpretation and 7 indications of point of care ultrasound in the ED. Course content is aimed at practitioners who are beginning their pathway to competence in point of care ultrasound.
Topics covered will be:
- Abdominal : Presence of intra-peritoneal fluid? (Yes/No)
- Abdominal : Presence of abdominal aortic aneurysm? (Yes/No)
- Subcostal Cardiac : Presence of pericardial fluid? (Yes/No) Cardiac activity during arrest? (Yes/No)
- Pelvic : Presence of an intra-uterine pregnancy? (Yes/No)
- Thoracic: Presence of pneumothorax (Yes/No) Presence of a pleural effusion (Yes/No)
The course will feature an outstanding faculty to learner ratio for hands-on sessions as well as innovative image interpretation sessions. These small group sessions emphasize image interpretation skills and serve as intimate venues to reinforce clinical integration pathways.
Course director is Dr. Heather Hames. Bedside instructors will include faculty from within the Division of EM’s experienced group of point of care sonographers.
If you have interest in attending as a participant please contact us via email at [email protected] (please include Emergency Course in subject line).
Last years course filled up quickly so please contact us if interested.
Some pics from our previous courses can be found here.
Tags: course, emergency medicine
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- CATEGORIESED Ultrasound Course, Events, Featured, News, Uncategorized
- AUTHOREmergGuy
Perioperative Ultrasound Western 2016: Empowering Anesthesiologists’ with Diagnostic Ultrasound.
The second annual Perioperative Ultrasound Western workshop was yet again, an unparalleled success. Engaging 23 participants, including anesthesiology residents, fellows, and practicing anesthesiologists from academic and community hospitals in South-Western Ontario, this year’s workshop took place over two full days (Dec 3 & 4, 2016) at CSTAR, University Hospital. The workshop was organized by the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine at Western University and included a panel of nine expert faculty instructors.
The focus of this year’s workshop was on empowering anesthesiologists to make informed patient care decisions with the use of bedside diagnostic ultrasound in the perioperative setting. Domains covered included lung, pleural, airway, gastric, abdominal free fluid, and focused cardiac ultrasound. Structured as a series of short lectures integrated with hands-on practice sessions and case discussions, the course set a new standard for perioperative focused ultrasound workshops.
Thanks to outstanding faculty, superb organization and generous equipment support, participant ratings for the course were overwhelmingly positive. “Excellent course”, “10/10”, “Please continue to offer this workshop” where among the many comments that signified this resounding success. As we approach the new year, stay tuned for more details on our next annual workshop!
Point-of-care valve assessment by Jon Borger
Live demo: The application of color flow Doppler by Ahmed Hegazy
Ramiro Arellano and the practical pearls of lung image acquisition
Jason Chui and Ranko Bulatovic providing expert instruction
Tips and tricks by faculty members Matthew McFarling and Jon Borger
Tags: anesthesiology diagnostic ultrasound, perioperative ultrasound, POCUS, westernsono