Normotensive Cardiogenic Shock Case Review

Advanced critical care echocardiography case review by Hassan Raza M.D. Suggested material to watch before this: Cited in the video: SHOCK trial: Contemporary Management of Cardiogenic Shock:

By |2023-01-07T02:13:26+00:00January 7th, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Normotensive Cardiogenic Shock Case Review

2015 Critical Care Ultrasound Course – Open for Registration

The 6th annual Western University Critical Care Ultrasound Course is now open for registration! The brochure for the course can be found here CCUS 2015 The 2 day course, directed by Dr. Rob Arntfield, is being held on August 20th and Aug 21st, 2015 at University Hospital in London, Ontario and is the biggest, most comprehensive course of its kind offered in Canada. It is ideal [...]

By |2018-08-14T20:15:08+00:00April 7th, 2015|Courses, Critical Care Ultrasound Course, Education, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 2015 Critical Care Ultrasound Course – Open for Registration

Point-of-Care Ultrasound Featured on TV

The innovation and leadership of Western University's and LHSC's Point-of-Care Ultrasound program recently garnered regional media attention.  With leading programs in emergency medicine and critical care and emerging programs in anesthesia, internal medicine and surgery, the collaborative, interdisciplinary vision of our POCUS program is being actualized to the betterment of the patient and physician experience.  See the news piece below or the full news story [...]

By |2014-11-07T16:52:58+00:00November 7th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Point-of-Care Ultrasound Featured on TV
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