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So far EmergGuy has created 13 blog entries.

Emergency Medicine : Intro Course 2018

The Division of EM is once again pleased to host its annual course “Introduction to ED Point of Care Ultrasound” Date: July 5th, 2018. Target Audience: Course content is aimed at practitioners who are beginning their pathway to competence in point of care ultrasound. This course will emphasize fundamental techniques in image acquisition and interpretation of 7 applications of point of care ultrasound in the ED. Topics [...]

By |2019-05-14T17:53:43+00:00May 10th, 2018|Basic Applications, Bedside Training, ED Ultrasound Course|Comments Off on Emergency Medicine : Intro Course 2018

Emergency Medicine Courses : ‘Introduction to POCUS’ & ‘Introduction to Extended Applications’ Ring in the 2017 Academic Year

The Division of Emergency Medicine 2017-2018 academic year has kicked off with our annual educational showcase in POCUS. With 32 participants from across Canada, including undergraduates from several institutions, resident trainees in EM, Peds EM and Vascular Surgery, as well as local community physicians, the day was bound to be great. Concentrating on the fundamental applications, and this year's addition of thoracic POCUS, attendees experienced a flipped [...]

By |2018-05-08T00:40:43+00:00July 12th, 2017|Courses, ED Ultrasound Course, Events|Comments Off on Emergency Medicine Courses : ‘Introduction to POCUS’ & ‘Introduction to Extended Applications’ Ring in the 2017 Academic Year

Introduction to ED Point of Care Ultrasound 2017

  The Division of Emergency Medicine is once again pleased to host its annual “Introduction to ED Point of Care Ultrasound” course on July 6th, 2017. This course will emphasize  fundamental techniques in image acquisition and interpretation and  7 indications of point of care ultrasound in the ED. Course content is aimed at practitioners who are beginning their pathway to competence […]

By |2017-11-22T16:20:17+00:00January 23rd, 2017|ED Ultrasound Course, Events, Featured, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Introduction to ED Point of Care Ultrasound 2017

A Scanning Extravaganza at the Emergency Medicine POCUS Course 2016

The 2016 iteration of the Emergency Medicine - Introduction to POCUS Course  was another resounding success. With 30 amazing participants ranging from resident trainees in EM, Peds EM and Vascular surgery, community physicians and undergraduate students from across Canada, the day was bound to to be great. Concentrating on the fundamental applications, a flipped classroom and a 2:1 participant:instructor ratio allowed maximal probe time for [...]

By |2016-07-08T10:29:19+00:00July 8th, 2016|Courses, ED Ultrasound Course, Education, Events|Comments Off on A Scanning Extravaganza at the Emergency Medicine POCUS Course 2016

POCUS Staff Sessions : Thoracic Module

We are excited to have our inaugural ED staff training module in Thoracic POCUS off to a great start! Over a dozen of our ED faculty have already participated in our mini hands on and image interpretation sessions, with more sessions to come. Armed with their new skills in lung sonography, our ED faculty trainees are now off scanning thoraces with online feedback and guidance [...]

By |2016-06-17T02:30:13+00:00June 17th, 2016|ED Bedside Training, Education, Events, Lung Ultrasound|Comments Off on POCUS Staff Sessions : Thoracic Module
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Introduction to ED Point of Care Ultrasound 2017

  The Division of Emergency Medicine is once again pleased to host its annual "Introduction to ED Point of Care Ultrasound" course on July 6th, 2017. This course will emphasize  fundamental techniques in image acquisition and interpretation and  7 indications of point of care ultrasound in the ED. Course content is aimed at practitioners who are beginning their pathway to competence in point of care ultrasound. Topics covered will be: Abdominal [...]

By |2017-12-28T18:56:10+00:00April 3rd, 2016|ED Ultrasound Course, Events, Featured, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Introduction to ED Point of Care Ultrasound 2017

Introduction to Point of Care Ultrasound 2015

The Division of Emergency Medicine is pleased to announce the 2015 iteration of its annual introductory course in ED point of care ultrasound.  This course will emphasize the “Fundamental 4″ views and 5 indications of point of care ultrasound in the ED and is aimed at practitioners who are beginning their pathway to competence in point of care ultrasound. The “Fundamental 4″ are: Abdominal : Presence [...]

By |2015-03-23T13:23:49+00:00March 23rd, 2015|ED Bedside Training, ED Ultrasound Course, Featured|Comments Off on Introduction to Point of Care Ultrasound 2015

Nerve Blocks, Lumbar Punctures and the Probe

A fun filled educational day with our colleagues in Regional Anesthesia here @westernsono. A great opportunity for our keen POCUS Faculty and Senior learners to be introduced to the topics of nerve blocks and POCUS-facilitated lumbar punctures. A special thanks to Dr. Su Ganapathy and Dr. Rakesh Sondekoppam for imparting some pearls of wisdom, augmented learning with gross anatomy dissections and help identifying the important [...]

By |2015-02-10T19:04:49+00:00February 10th, 2015|Events, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Nerve Blocks, Lumbar Punctures and the Probe

Case #6 – ED TEE for Cardiac Arrest

In this case a sudden deterioration in the emergency department prompts a TTE which shows some concerning physiology.  It is not until the TEE is inserted, however, that the culprit disease can be identified. *Images courtesy of Dr. Drew Thompson, Division of EM, Western University Case Highlights: *TEE in the ED is valuable for critically ill patients *TEE has advanced diagnostic potential, including the identification [...]

By |2018-02-24T23:20:02+00:00January 27th, 2015|Cases|Comments Off on Case #6 – ED TEE for Cardiac Arrest

Emergency Intro Course – Basic Applications Pocketcard

This pocketcard is handed out at our annual emergency medicine ultrasound course held each July. It highlights key points in scans for AAA, abdominal free fluid, pericardial effusions and the confirmation of intrauterine pregnancies. Pocketcard - Emergency Basic Applications                     If you wish to use non-digitally, I suggest you print double sided on to medium card stock [...]

By |2014-07-21T21:20:24+00:00July 21st, 2014|Basic Applications, Bedside Training, Downloads, ED Bedside Training, ED Ultrasound Course|Comments Off on Emergency Intro Course – Basic Applications Pocketcard
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