Welcome to WesternSono’s newest project, the Ultrasound Podcast! Join us in our conversations around interesting cases and emerging topics in point of care ultrasound. To all those point of care ultrasound enthusiasts out there, tune in and pick up a few pearls!

The diaphragm, lung sliding and that stenotic mitral valve!

Our first episode takes you through the importance of the diaphragm in lung ultrasound, lung sliding pearls and the pitfalls of assessing left ventricular function in the presence of mitral valve stenosis.

Listen in to the conversation between Dr Robert Arntfield, program director of the Critical Care Ultrasound Program at Western University and his three current fellows, Dr Thamer Alaifan, Dr Bader Alshehri and Dr Mathilde Gaudreau-Simard.

For questions, comments or feedback, please email us at westernsonopodcast@gmail.com
Audio editing by Hubert Gaudreau-Simard
Multimedia support by Brian Park MD Candidate 2023
Music: Nightchaser by Shane Ivers – https://www.silvermansound.com


Clip 1: Consolidated lung or stomach with food; where is that diaphragm??

Clip 2: All things lung sliding; that fake lung point where pleura and pericardium meet.

Clip 3: The hockey stick sign; careful when estimating EPSS!